Tux Paint is the best application for painting & drawing especially for children under 12 years. Tux Paint is used in schools around the world as a computer literacy drawing activity. It combines an easy-to-use interface, fun sound effects, and an encouraging cartoon mascot who guides children as they use the program. In this App we have to see lot of tools which are helpful for drawing. This is runs under children environment. So every children should like this app and they interest to spend time on the Application. This is 100% better than MS Paint and other painting applications. More than 100 tools are inbuilt in this pack, with these tools we easily create superb pics within seconds.
Its really amazing tool for all children who have interest on painting. Tux Paint includes a number of 'filters' and 'special effects' which can be applied to a drawing, such as blurring, fading, and making the picture look as though it was drawn in chalk on pavement.
Click Here to download (or) Click Here to know more.
Note: We have to install Tux Paint stamps separately from here .
Click Here to download (or) Click Here to know more.
Note: We have to install Tux Paint stamps separately from here .