Bottle Feeding
Feeding a baby is the most precious time of nurturing and bonding. Many research has proven that "breast feeding is best feeding", many mothers simply can't or don't want to breastfeed and there is nothing wrong with that.
Pros to Bottle Feeding:
• Bottle feeding can be done anywhere at anytime and it is convenient.
• Babies with formula food stay fuller longer since formula digest slower than breast milk.
• Bottle feeding is convenient for working mothers.
• Other than mother, any family members can help to feed the baby.
• Mothers can be very flexible and carefree about their diet.
Cons to Bottle Feeding:
• Formula is expensive food.
• Formula food must be prepared fresh before a baby eats.
• Bottles have to be cleaned and sanitized.
• Formula is hard to digest comparatively; baby may experience gas and stomach problems.
• Babies may become constipated easier.