Raising Boys
Boys are more active and tough to handle. Here are some parenting tips for raising boys.
1. Most of the boys have difficulty getting organized. They will mostly need a step-by-step instruction to manage their schedules.
2. Boys are usually playful and may not take school seriously. Its ok let them be themselves till they are 12 years.
3. Boys usually need strong role models to grow up looking at. A father is the best, but it is best to have someone your boy can believe at.
4. Never over criticize the boy’s father or show dislike towards male gender in general. This may affect him emotionally.
5. Encourage them to outdoor games.
6. Don’t try to be a father and mother. This is not possible always. Accept that he doesn’t want you to be a super-mom.
7. Being aggressive will not work. This will only make him more adamant.
8. Ask them to do some house hold chores. This is not completely girly. This will ensure that he contributes to house work when he is married.
9. Raising boys though a challenging work this will give amazing rewards to reap.