Loosing Post-Pregnancy Weight
1. Avoid high sugar beverages and replace it with lemon juice or flavored seltzer. In this way you can cut down a lot of unnecessary calories.
2. Snacks like popcorns, nuts or wheat crackers are good for health. These are far better than the junk foods.
3. Nonfat labelled foods are not really nonfat. So learn to see the label properly. Food with hydrogenated vegetable oils, high fructose corn syrup, etc is not healthy.
4. Light exercise is recommended once you feel fit. Atleast go for a 10 mins walk and slowly increase this time to 25 mins.
5. Breastfeeding burns about 500 calories per day. This seems to be a good way to burn your calories.
6. May be you can think about joining a gym to gat back to a normal weight and for a slim body.
7. Dieting is not a good idea. Because you now need to feed your young one as well. So to starve will not make sense. It would be better to go for foods that are not junk foods or with high amount of artificial sugar.
8. It took you 9 months to put up so much weight, now to get back to a normal BMI it is going to take some time. You need to remember this.
9. Drink more water. There is a high possibility of you getting dehydrated.
10. You are a good judge of yourself. Remember the goal is not to become slim by starving yourself. You need to feel and be healthy and strong to take care of yourself and your child.