Third Trimester
Week 28 to week 40 of the pregnancy is known as the Third trimester of pregnancy.
Physical changes seen in the mother during this period are as follows:
• Heaviness in the lower abdomen.
• Breathlessness.
• Heartburn.
• Frequent urination.
• Back aches, muscle cramps.
• Swelling in the hands and feet.
• In the final two weeks:
- The pelvic joints expand so as to get ready for the birth,
- And the cervix softens in preparation for the labor.
• Vigorous fetal movements are observed (sometimes visible through the clothing).
• Navel gets flattened or popped out.
• Increase in body temperature.
• Swelling of the ankles, hands, and face.
• Colustrum, a fluid in the breasts that nourishes the baby until the breast milk becomes available, may leak from the nipples.
• Stretch mark appears on the abdomen, thighs and buttocks.
• Noticeable contraction of the uterus, called Braxton Hicks contractions, increase in frequency.
• Sexual interest may decrease.
Steps to follow: Visits doctor weekly for the regular check up until delivery.