Bed Rest During Pregnancy
Universal practice to alleviate pregnancy complication is bed rest. Very few women know it is because of medical history, whereas others are surprised during a routine checkup. Bed rest is common, so don’t be alarmed.
According to every individual the bed rest may vary, it may range from simple resting at home to full bed rest in a hospital. In order to help to stabilize a complication health care providers place pregnant women on bed rest for a particular period, whereas some women may be subjected to bed rest through most of their pregnancy. Bed rest can be anything from confinement to bed or just taking it easy around the house.
Bed rest- reasons:
Bed rest may be suggested by health care providers due to many reasons, but in majority of the cases it is to increase the probability that you continue with a healthy pregnancy. Below is the list of complication that may leads to bed rest.
• Multiples
• History of pregnancy loss, stillbirth, or premature birth
• Poor fetal development
• Gestational diabetes
• Placenta complications, such as placental abruption, placenta previa, and placenta accreta.
• High blood pressure( preeclampsia and eclampsia )
• Cervical changes, such as incompetent cervix, and cervical effacement
• Vaginal bleeding
• Premature labor
Bed rest benefits:
In general bed rest will make the body to normalize. Women with high blood pressure level are advised to take bed rest in order to decrease stress and lower blood pressure. In order to reduce vaginal bleeding or decrease the chance of premature labor, work, activity, lifting, or exercise should be avoided as it may worsen the existing situation. Bed rest may also be necessary to help increase blood flow to the placenta.
Bed rest– Best position:
Depending upon the condition and complication, the position for bed rest may vary. In most cases pregnant women are advised to sleep or rest on the side, usually with their knees or hips bent, or with a pillow between the knees. People are asked to lie on their back while being supported up with pillows or to lie on their back with hips or legs elevated higher than the shoulders.
Bed rest discomfort- tips:
Bed rest for a long term will make the muscles to lose tone and cause some joints ache. Lying down for long periods of time can also reduce your blood circulation. Exercise is important for blood circulation, but make sure that to visit with your health care provider before you begin any exercises. Below are common exercises that may be used:
• Squeezing stress balls
• Pressing your hands and feet against the bed
• Turning your arms and feet in circles
• Tensing or tightening your arm and leg muscles
Avoid the following, when you are in bed rest:
• Cooking
• Light chores
• Walking
• Bath or shower
• Driving
• Exercise
• Sexual intercourse