36 Months Toddler Milestones
A child of 3 years of age shows the following milestones:
Motor Development
• Stand on one foot.
• Go upstairs one foot per step.
• Ride a tricycle.
Fine Motor / Vision Development
• Build a 9 cube tower using 1 inch cube wooden bricks.
• Build a 3 cube bridge using 1 inch cube wooden bricks.
• Copy a circle.
• Use a tripod grasp on a pencil.
• Turn pages one page at a time.
• Show hand preference.
Speech and Language Development
• Ask lots of questions - "what is ...?", "why...".
• Hold a good conversation
• Understand simple negatives.
Personal / Social Development
• Dress and undress.
• Play with other children.
• Do up buttons.
• Understand sharing with other children.