A Baby's Milestones
A baby and a toddler reach the developmental milestones in the first five years of his life. During this duration, the baby develops from a helpless being at birth, and over the few years he gains independence in mobility, speech and language and develops his own personality.
Although every child is different, there is a common pattern of developmental progress that they all follow within a fairly narrow time frame. There are 4 main areas of toddler and baby development stages:
• Motor development - this is about the body posture and large movements of the limbs and the walking developments.
• Fine motor development and vision - this is about the manipulative skills leading eventually to being able to do complicated manual tasks.
• Speech and language development and hearing - this is about language development.
• Personal and social development - this is about self development and interactions with others.
Every child is individual and every child reaches the milestones at his own pace. And if the baby is not developing normally, this is an indication that there is something seriously wrong with the child. In such a case, the concern doctor should be visited and informed about the underdevelopment of the baby.