Alarming Signs Of Pregnancy Complications
A pregnant woman is very much aware that a new life is developing within her for the next 9 months. Most of the time, a pregnant woman gives birth to a normal healthy child. However, there are cases when a pregnant mother has to loose her child by a miscarriage, or give birth to a stillborn child or a child with some birth defect. All these remind us of the fact that the gestation period is the most delicate and fragile period of a woman’s life where she not only has to look after herself but also after the new life that is growing within her. The path from conception to parturition consists of many turns and pitfalls. The woman and her family have to be extra cautious to prevent any unfortunate loss.
A pregnant woman has several ways to indicate that her pregnancy is in trouble. Three of the most alarming signs that indicate that the pregnancy is at risk are spotting and bleeding, abdominal cramps and sudden weakness.
Some other signs that a woman and her family must know in order to prevent any pregnancy complications are:
• Onset of vaginal bleeding or spotting in the first three months of pregnancy may be a sign of a possible abortion.
• Bleeding accompanied by mild cramps when the uterus is enlarged and the cervix is closed may be the warning sign of a possible abortion.
• In addition to bleeding, if the tissue is passed, the uterus enlarged and the cervix is open, the condition signifies a miscarriage.
• Ectopic or tubal pregnancy is indicated in case of vaginal bleeding with normal or severe pain on one side and fainting.
• A hormonal imbalance is indicated when a woman has dysfunctional and variable vaginal bleeding with a normal sized uterus and closed cervix.
• Pre-eclampsia or toxemia or a high blood pressure in pregnancy can result in complications like inadequate fetal growth, premature labor or fetal distress during labor. This can be indicated by the following conditions:
- Severe persistent headaches in the pregnant woman accompanied by inordinate weight gain, fluid retention, blurred vision and spots before the eye.
- Sudden swelling of hands, feet and ankles.
• Normally, a pregnant woman is affected by morning sickness for the first three months. But , if the vomiting conditions persist over one or two days, preventing inadequate intake of fluids, then the condition may become critical leading to dehydration and even sometimes hospitalization.
• Fever and chills during pregnancy without any symptom of cold may be dangerous and may cause premature labor.
• A sudden gush of fluid from the vagina may be an indication of the premature rupture of the membrane in the last trimester of the pregnancy. This condition is potentially dangerous for the fetus.
• The pregnant women may be suffering from the urinary tract infection in case of the following indications:
- The pregnant woman needs to urinate frequently.
- The pregnant woman may feel discomfort during urination either as a burning sensation or a dull pain in the lower abdomen towards the end of urination.
• Sudden intense or continuous abdominal pain during the early days of pregnancy could signify a miscarriage.
• Sudden intense or continual abdominal pain during the later days of pregnancy may be a precursor for premature labor.
• If the pregnant woman feels the lack or decrease in the fetal movement, she should immediately consult the doctor. This condition may be indicative of the fetal distress.
• If the pregnant woman experiences weakness that immediately passes, she should lie down for awhile.
• However, if the weakness is accompanied by the signs of shock (such as rapid pulse, pale skin, chills, blurry vision and irregular breathing), the woman should seek the medical help at the earliest.
• If the pregnant woman has been injured or is a victim of flu or any other illness, consult the doctor immediately.
Apart from these, there are normal discomforts that are associated with pregnancy. These discomforts can be annoying but they are not life threatening.