Baby Gender Predication
Doctors will not perform an ultrasound to only predict the gender of your baby. However during the routine ultrasound, if your baby correctly positioned the gender can be predicted after 16 weeks.
The amniotic fluid is extracted from around the baby, by inserting a needle into the abdomen in 16 - 18 weeks. Women more than age of 35 are recommended to get this test done due to the increased risk of Downs Syndrome. This test will report on chromosomal Disorders, 200 Single Gene Disorders and Baby s Gender. There is a risk of miscarriage with this method
Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS):
Here the doctor will tiny tissue sample from outside the sac where the fetus develops. This test done in 10 - 12 weeks after the last menstrual period. There is a higher risk of miscarriage with this method. This test will report on chromosomal Disorders, 200 Single Gene Disorders and Babys Gender.