Bleeding During Pregnancy
About 30% pregnant women suffer from bleeding. It can be in the form of spotting, streaking or period-like blood loss. Bleeding occurs mostly in first trimester. When it occurs before 24 weeks this can cause miscarriage or abortion.
Implantation of placenta in the uterus - Spotting or bleeding is experienced by many women after the first 10-14 days of fertilization. It happens when the fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus. This doesn’t last for long.
Miscarriage -Bleeding during the first trimester is a sign of miscarriage. But not all have complications.
Cervical Changes -This is also a normal kind of bleeding. Since during pregnancy there will be increased blood supply and blood flow in the cervix which may lead to bleeding after a sexual intercourse or contact to this area. Sometimes certain cervical infection can also cause bleeding during early pregnancy.
Ectopic or Tubal pregnancy - This may be seen if the fertilized egg implants outside the uterus. In such cases severe pain in the abdomen or feel faint and nauseous is experienced. Such embryo may not be able to develop into a normal baby.
Molar pregnancy - Bleeding is commonly seen in molar pregnancy. In this condition an abnormal mass forms inside the uterus after fertilization instead of a baby.
The treatment for spotting or vaginal bleeding during first trimester depends on the causes. Slight bleeding will stop usually on its own but consult your gynecologist immediately. If the woman is Rh-ve blood groups consult doctor within 72 hours. Do not use tampons while bleeding during anytime of pregnancy.