Second Trimester
Week 15 to week 27 of the pregnancy period is called the Second trimester.
Physical changes observed in the expectant mother are as follows:
• Fetal movements are felt by mother.
• Shortness of breath.
• Increased sweating.
• High blood pressure.
• Presence of white-colored vaginal discharge called leukorrhea.
• Morning sickness slowly disappears.
• Start gaining weight rapidly.
• In the end of the fifth month fundus (the top of the uterus) reaches the navel.
• Some mother may see yellowish fluid from her breast before breast milk.
• Heartburn, gas and constipation may appear.
• Stretch mark may be visible in skin on the abdomen and breast.
• A dark line is seen below the naval down to the middle of the abdomen.
• Nose bleeding and gums may become more spongy and bleed easily.
• High blood pressure.
• Gestational diabetes.
• Iron-deficiency (anemia).
• Colored or bloody discharge may be a signal of complications and needs to be examined immediately.
Steps to follow:
• Take enough iron and other minerals.
• Have iron rich foods which include lean red meat, fish, lentils, legumes, spinach etc.
• Drink at least eight glasses of water each day.
• To be comfortable while sleeping use two extra pillows. Keep one between your legs as you lie on your side and another one behind your back.