Hi Friends!
Are you feel bore to see your regular drive background? try our today's trick, this will change the look of your drive background with in seconds. Just follow our step by step instructions.
Are you feel bore to see your regular drive background? try our today's trick, this will change the look of your drive background with in seconds. Just follow our step by step instructions.
First of all download the below RAR File, and extract it. Then simply open the Autorun Folder and replace the image-123 with yours pic. Remember your pic must be in the format of 123.jpg
Then copy all the content (Autorun Folder, autorun.inf, boot.ini and desktop.ini) and paste to yours drive. Now your Drive background changed with your pic.
Then copy all the content (Autorun Folder, autorun.inf, boot.ini and desktop.ini) and paste to yours drive. Now your Drive background changed with your pic.

drive_back_ground.rar |
For Windows7 users Click Here to download a free software to change Drive Background.