Mobile Phone and Transmission Towers (like Mobile Phone Towers, Broadcasting Towers, Overhead Power Lines and Radars) constantly emit hazardous Electro-Magnetic Radiations (EMR). This Radiation can penetrate human skull depending upon the distance of head from the source of EMR emitter e.g. Mobile Phone. The studies suggest that the EMR can badly affect the sensitive tissues and delicate organs like ear, eye, brain etc.
- In the ear, a tumor may develop on the auditory nerve, especially, on the side where Mobile is mostly placed while talking.
- In the eye, delicate parts, such as lens & cornea can be affected.
- Brain can get affected, resulting in headache, sleep disturbance, lack of concentration, loss of memory, irritation, Physical disorders such as Brain-tumor, Alzheimer's, Parkinson Disease etc.
Now Prabhatam Anti Radiation Chip is available in Indian market also.